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First Test
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Published by Brutal_Dreamer
Lightbulb First Test

This is a test. I am testing with text. This should appear to be three paragraphs of test with one image. This is a test . I am testing with text. This should appear to be three paragraphs of test with one image. This is a test . I am testing with text. This should appear to be three paragraphs of test with one image. This is a test. I am testing with text. This should appear to be three paragraphs of test with one image. This is a test . I am testing with text. This should appear to be three paragraphs of test with one image. This is a test . I am testing with text. This should appear to be three paragraphs of test with one image. This is a test . I am testing with text. This should appear to be three paragraphs of test with one image. This is a test . I am testing with text. This should appear to be three paragraphs of test with one image. This is a test . I am testing with text. This should appear to be three paragraphs of test with one image. This is a test . I am testing with text. This should appear to be three paragraphs of test with one image.

Appears to be no way to wrap text around an image. That is too bad. Appears to be no way to wrap text around an image. That is too Appears to be no way to wrap text around an image. That is too bad.Appears to be no way to wrap text around an image. That is too bad.Appears to be no way to wrap text around an image. That is too bad.bad.Appears to be no way to wrap text around an image. That is too bad.Appears to be no way to wrap text around an image. That is too bad. Appears to be no way to wrap text around an image. That is too bad.

Is there no way to format text around images in an article? That seems odd. Also, the first image that is included seems strange. Is there a way to disable that image gallery and allow the user to supply him own image? Is there no way to format text around images in an article? That seems odd. [B]Also, the first image that is included seems strange. Is there a way to disable that image gallery and allow the user to supply him own image?[/B] Is there no way to format text around images in an article? That seems odd. Also, the first image that is included seems strange. Is there a way to disable that image gallery and allow the user to supply him own image?

I need more information on how to be able to format an article using this software. This is not any different than a simple thread except for the opening look. hmmm
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The 'on' Title
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By Brutal_Dreamer on 07-13-2008, 04:15 AM

What is the popup around the word testing that says " testing description 5" is that part of this software?
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By Brutal_Dreamer on 07-13-2008, 04:16 AM

anyway to have the member's avatar show up for the first photo next to the title instead of the spider or other uploaded image?
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By Brutal_Dreamer on 07-13-2008, 04:18 AM

need infor on the on and ah option. I do not understand what that is or what it does??
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By Brutal_Dreamer on 07-13-2008, 04:35 AM

found out about gal now what the heck is this 'on' ana 'ah'?? FOund out that the image gallery part can be turned off in admincp.
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