2 Post or 4 Post?
After deciding upon the Qualify Lift my first big decision was whether or not to purchase a 2 post or 4 post lift. Two post lifts are the style typically found in your local automotive shop, they lift from arms that go underneath the frame and allow the wheels to hang down for easy removal. Four posts lifts are driven onto and the entire car raised up while resting on the platforms called "runways". Four post lifts are often used for vehical storage. In my case I would be needing the lift for some work on both our 1956 Jaguar as well as my Cayman, but when not working on the car(s) I would be storing the Jaguar so I decided upon a 4 post lift. There are also other considerations such as most 2 post lifts require more headroom and a line at the top that connects both posts which might have presented a problem with the beam across our garage ceiling. There are specifications you can get from Quality Lifts for both styles to measure which one would work best for your own needs. I measured my garage length, width and height to the ceiling beam to see if I had enough space for the Q4P09H lift and I did!
Ordering & Delivery
Once you decide upon the style/model of lift you want, there are a couple of ways you can order the lift. You can order directly from Quality Lifts by calling 1-877-771-5438, or you can order from a distributor in your area which Quality Lifts can refer you to. [Insert Order Specifics here]. You will also need to decide if you want the lift delivered to a freight dock in your city where you will pick it up, or if you want it delivered to your home. Since I don't own a pickup truck or tow vehicle, I chose the latter and had the lift delivered directly to my home. Here's a picture of the lift and accessories arriving:
If you have your local certified Quality Lifts installer perform your installation you receive an extra year of warranty coverage. I opted for this option so the lift also came with a couple of gentlemen to help set it up. If you decide to perform the installation yourself keep in mind that the whole unit weighs about 2,000 pounds and there are a couple of runway parts that weigh close to 500lbs each so you will need some help in loading and unloading and moving parts around, this isn't a one-person job.